
January – Churches of the Roman Catholic Diocese of East Anglia

Our speaker on January 25th will be Matt Champion, this time wearing his hat as the Diocesan Heritage Officer for the Roman Cahtolic Diocese of East Anglia.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of East Anglia is a relative newcomer on the scene when it comes to East Anglian churches, and yet it is home to some of the most unusual and significant churches in the region. These range from the fourteenth century Slipper Chapel at Walsingham, through the grade one listed Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Norwich, to the massively brooding Minster church of St Benets in Beccles – which looks like a piece of twelfth century Normandy has been randomly dropped into the Waveney valley. The diocese is also home to some more modern, and controversial, masterpieces – such as the only church in England wholly designed and built by the early twentieth century artist and sculptor Eric Gill. This talk will focus upon some of the highlights of the diocese, and the sometimes strange stories behind their creation.

We’ll be meeting at 2.00 pm on Saturday January 25th at Needham Village Hall, High Road, Needham, IP20 9LB. Admisiion is £3.00 and refreshments will as usual be available.

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