May-June Update – Medieval Graffiti and More
The last couple of months have been a bit topsy-turvy but we hope everything will settle down now. Here’s the latest news on meetings and events for May and June.
On May 12th our own Pat May will present Voices from the Past, an updated talk on her search for medieval graffiti in East Anglia. We’re secretly hoping there might be a bit of pencil graffiti in there somewhere. We’ll be meeting at 2.00pm at Needham Village Hall, High Road, Needham, IP20 9LB. All welcome, members £2.00, non-members £3.00. The usual refreshments will be served, May’s biscuit selection will be jammy dodgers and chocolate chip cookies.
On June 2nd Matt Champion will be talking to us about the Paston Footprints 600 project. Matt is the project director for this three year project, funded by HLF, to explore the lives, times and estates of the Paston family, principally in the C16th and early C17th. There will be opportunities for members to participate and learn many new skills and brush up on some old ones, including desktop research, building recording, photogrammetry, test pitting, LIDAR, geophys and 3D modelling. We’ll be meeting at Broome Village Hall, Sun Road, Broome NR35 2RW at 2.00pm. All welcome, members £2.00, non-members £3.00. The usual refreshments will be served. Biscuits to be conformed.
On June 16th following his very popular talk in January Dr Dominic Summers will be leading a Seven Sacraments Font tour for us. There’ll be more information once the itinerary has been finalised. This will be a free to attend event but we will be asking people to book via Eventbrite as numbers will be limited ti fifteen. Watch this space.
And now GDPR. As some of you probably know the new General Data Protection Regulations come into force at the end of May. You can find our privacy policy here. This means that we will be contacting all of you on our mailing in the next few weeks to to ask you to confirm that you still want to receive newsletters and other updates from us. We’re working on making this process as simple as possible for both you and us, but the bottom line is that if you don’t give us this permission we won’t be able to tell you about all our forthcoming meetings, events and days out, so when you get the call, please click the link to confirm.