Deserted Medieval Settlements Study Day – 11th April
Our April meeting will be an all day study day on deserted medieval settlements with local expert Ian Groves, and will include a visit to the site of a settlement in Hales, which also has an interesting Norman church now in the care of the Churches Conservation Trust
The day will start at 9.00am at Broome Village Hall in Sun Road, Broome, NR35 2RW.
Timings may be subject to change as the day develops.
9.00am People start arriving. Refreshments available
9.30am Course starts with introductions and personal experiences of deserted settlements
9.45am What is a deserted settlement? What about shifted, migrated, drowned and shrunken settlements?
How does one locate and identify them?
The history of deserted settlement research
Principal causes of settlement desertion
11.00am Refreshments
11.15am Case studies from Norfolk and further afield
Some Norfolk phenomena: isolated and ruined churches, common edge drift
12.30pm Lunch
1.15pm Travel to Hales
1.30pm Tour of site of deserted village
2.30pm Return to Broome Village Hall
2.45pm Refreshments
3.00pm ‘Landscape history in the making’: 20th century desertions and the future of the subject
3.45pm Questions
4.00pm Course ends
Refreshments will be available at Broome Village Hall, but please bring a packed lunch with you. As part of the day will be exploring the remains of a settlement, please also make sure you have suitable clothing and footwear.
The cost for the day will be £20.00, which is very good value for a full day with an expert leader. Numbers will be limited to twenty on a first come, first served basis and for insurance purposes this event will be open to paid up members only. If you aren’t a member and would like to come along on what will be a very interesting day we’re offering free membership up to June 30th when you book and pay for your ticket. There’s a downloadable membership form here.
You can book and pay for your place by going to our Eventbrite page. Alternatively, you can pay by internet banking to account number 21358068 sort code 77-66-20 using the reference DMV. If you pay by internet banking, please email us to tell us how many tickets you have booked. If you would like to pay by cheque please make cheques payable to Waveney Valley Community Archaeology Group and post to WVCAG,7a New Cut, Halesworth, IP19 8BY.
Header photograph copyright Nick Stone