
February 2017 CITiZAN

In February we are looking forward to a visit from CITiZAN, the Coastal and Intertidal Zone Archaeological Network.

They highlight the threats to a wealth of coastal and estuarine sites, most of which have no statutory protection. These archaeological features encompass a long time span – from prehistoric forests and settlements to Roman forts and villas to 19th-century ship-breaking yards full of abandoned boats, barges and ships, many of which are of considerable local and national significance.


Our speaker will be Lara Band. Her talk will be called “CITiZAN: a national community archaeology project with a local focus.” It will look at the CITiZAN project as a whole and how people can get in involved, then look at the work they’ve done and the work they are planning in Suffolk.

Lara has been an archaeologist for CITiZAN since the beginning of the project in 2016. Prior to this she was a Senior Archaeologist with MOLA, who host CITiZAN. She was formerly a curator at Åland Maritime Museum, and an archaeologist carrying out a series of coastal sites and surveys for the  Åland Islands Board of Antiquities. Before moving to the Åland Islands she worked for Archaeology South East on numerous sites, including the waterlogged prehistoric site at Shinewater, East Sussex. She has also held a variety of teaching, training and volunteer development posts, such as at the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum in West Sussex.

You can have a look at what CITiZAN are doing here.

This should prove to be a fascinating meeting.

Members £2.00, non members £3.00. The usual sumptuous refreshments will be served.

2.00pm – 18th February Needham Village Hall, High Road, Needham, IP20 9LB

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