
October 2024: The Suffolk Archaeological Society  – 50 years of Investigating the Archaeology of the Waveney Valley & Beyond

Our next meeting will be held at Needham Village Hall at 2pm on 12th October 2024. Our speakers will be representatives from the Suffolk Archaeological Field Group. This group was founded in 1974 under the auspices of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History, in response to the increase in excavation, created by the newly formed Suffolk Archaeological Unit. Its members could help the Unit, both on excavations and post-ex processing . Over the course of 50 years, much has changed, due to the advent of technology but the ethos of the group is much the same – to help the professionals when required and to conduct our own investigations with the aim of adding to our knowledge of the county’s history.

Please join us for what promises to be a thoroughly interesting talk on local archaeological work!

All welcome, entry £3 on door

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