April meeting – Dr Helen Geake – the Sutton Hoo ship
For our first face to face meeting in over two years we we’re very pleased to welcome Dr Helen Geake who will be talking to us about her work at Sutton Hoo and with the Sutton Hoo Ship’s Company who are building a full size reconstruction of the 7th century Sutton Hoo ship, made famous in last year’s film The Dig.
There have been plans to build a reconstruction of the Sutton Hoo ship for decades. These are now bearing fruit, with a shipbuilding space (the Longshed) in Woodbridge and a team of volunteers led by an expert shipwright. With Martin Carver, the excavator of Sutton Hoo, as chair of the Ship’s Company charity, the trees have been selected, the keel laid, and fundraising has started in earnest. The reconstruction is only the first step; after this will come rowing trials, river voyages, experiments in sail and rigging, and finally portage over land up to the Sutton Hoo burial site. It is a project to explore not only Anglo-Saxon craft and seamanship, but to include as many people as possible in the discovery.

Helen began her career digging at Sutton Hoo before moving on to, among other things, the original series of Time Team. She now works part-time for the Portable Antiquities Scheme, which records archaeological finds made by members of the public, and spends the rest of her time working with the revived Time Team, initiating and supporting innovative archaeological projects across the country.
We’ll be meeting at Needham Village Hall, High Road, Needham, IP20 9LB on Saturday 23rd April at 2.00pm, and for the first time in two years “the usual refreshments will be available” including biscuits.
Tickets will be £3.00 and we’re asking you to book via Eventbrite so we have an idea of numbers and can ensure adequate spacing etc. Those of you who know the hall will know that it is a naturally airy space and we can open windows and doors to improve ventilation if required.
WVCAG will be making a donation to The Sutton Hoo Ship’s Company. If you want to help the project you can sponsor a part of the ship on their website or make a donation at the meeting on April 23rd.
Images © The Sutton Hoo Ship’s Company