
October Meeting – Dr Lucy Wrapson – Late Medieval Rood Screens in the Waveney Valley

We’ll be staying in the middle ages for our October meeting, when we’re pleased to announce our guest speaker will be Dr Lucy Wrapson.

Lucy is a senior paintings conservator at the Hamilton Kerr Institute, University of Cambridge. Lucy gained her PhD in History of Art in 2014 from the University of Cambridge with a thesis entitled ‘Patterns of production: a technical art historical study of East Anglia’s late medieval screens’. Lucy has wide interests in the pigments and media of painting, and in the methods used in their analysis and interpretation.

Lucy will talk about late-medieval rood screens in the Waveney valley area and in Norfolk and Suffolk more generally, placing them in their regional and national context. East Anglia has international pre-eminence in the quality and quantity of its surviving late medieval painted wooden church screens. The presence of the highest density of medieval screens anywhere is likely due to a combination of widespread fifteenth-century rebuilding, regional tastes in design, local wealth, and subsequent Post-Reformation physical history. Lucy will focus on the manufacture of screens, both in terms of carpentry and painting and will demonstrate how the works of the same groups of carpenters and painters can be seen in different locations.

Anyone with more than a passing interest in the magnificent churches of the Waveney Valley and Norfolk and Suffolk more widely will know that we have the finest collection of medieval rood screens anywhere in the country and Lucy’s talk will give us an expert’s insight into their creation and history. You can read a bit more more about Lucy’s work in this Guardian article from last year.

We’ll be meeting at Needham Village Hall, High Road, Needham, IP20 9LB on Saturday October 13th at 2.00pm. All welcome. Members £2.00, non-members £3.00. The usual refreshments will be available, including an impressive selection of biscuits.

Pictures © Nick Stone, Invisible Works. http://bit.ly/2NyMTYm


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