July Meeting – Jude Plouviez on the Romans in Suffolk
Jude Plouviez was, until her recent retirement, Senior Archaeological Officer at Suffolk County Council. Jude specialises in the Roman period and will be talking to us about the Romans in Suffolk and their impact on the Waveney Valley.
During her career at Suffolk County Council Jude co-authored an account of the Roman period in Suffolk and was also co-director for the excavation of the Hoxne Hoard, the largest collection of late Roman silver and gold discovered in the United Kingdom. She has also given talks at Sutton Hoo on the Rendlesham Treasure and the Iceni for Wuffing Education.
We’re meeting on Saturday July 16th at 2.00 pm. The meeting is at Broome Village Hall, Sun Road, Broome, NR35 2RW. All welcome, members £2.00, non-members £3.00. We’ll have the usual refreshments available.
If you’re coming to the meeting you can of course renew your subscription at the same time.