Coming up in 2022
It’s been another roller coaster year one way and another; as Harold Macmillan may or may not have remarked “Events, dear boy, events”
Still, looking forward to next year we have an impressive series of talks lined up for the first several months. I was hoping to be able to announce that they would all be face to face meetings but with the appearance of Omicron we’ll take a view a bit nearer the actual date of the first meeting.
On January 15th at 2.00pm we welcome back our old friend Prof Rob Liddiard, who will be talking about his latest research on the defences of East Anglia in the early years of the Second World War – ‘Coming to a Stop: the Archaeology of Defensive Lines in Eastern Command in the Second World War’
On February 19th our guest speaker will be Dr Hannah Cutler of Suffolk County Council Archaeology Service to talk to us about the archaeology of Ipswich from pre-historic times through to the post medieval development of the docks and the town we’d recognise today. More details about this fascinating topic later.
We last met Dr Sarah Spooner of @UEALandscape in 2013 when she came to talk to us about the UEA’s Pathways to History project and on March 12th she’ll be coming to see us again. If we can sort out the logistics and the weather is kind we are hoping that this meeting will take the form of a guided walk along an ancient pathway. We’ve got a few possible locations in mind, but if anyone has any ideas, please let us know. One thing to bear in mind is that we’ll need parking spaces.
On to April 23rd, and our speaker is Dr Helen Geake who many of you will remember from Time Team, and indeed her last visit to us back in 2014. Helen will be talking to us about her recent work at Sutton Hoo and her work with the Sutton Hoo Ship’s Company who are building a full size replica of the Sutton Hoo ship in the Long Shed in Woodbridge.
On May 14th our speaker will be Professor Tristan Carter of McMaster University in Ontario whose talk will be about his work over the last couple of years on the Freston early Neolithic causeway and enclosure just down the road on the Shotley Peninsular. Prof. Carter is currently on sabbatical in Suffolk so we are really hoping that by May he will be able to come and talk to us face to face. More details on this talk later.
On June 18th we welcome back via Zoom Dr James Wright who will be talking about Medieval Stonemasons. Anyone who watched his talk for us last year or any of his Lockdown Lectures and Medieval Mythbusting series of talks will know what a good speaker he is. What you may not know is he is also a trained stonemason himself. More about James here.
On July 16th Michael Schmoelz will be back to continue his story about pilgrimage in the middle ages, this time from an economic perspective, “Controlling the Quest for Sanctity, the pilgrimage business and how to escape it.”
We’ll be having a little break in August.
On September 17th back by popular demand Going for a Walk Pt ll with Dr Sarah Spooner @UEALandscape. Venue TBC.
On October 22nd we have our own Lorna Richardson on “Order from Chaos; Tales from Bungay Museum”, telling the story of the museum itself and some of the highlights of the collection. We hope to be able to meet at the museum.
On to November 19th and we welcome Stuart Boulter of Cotswold Archaeology who will be telling us about the work at Flixton Park over the last twenty years, ranging from the Palaeolithic period to the time of the Great War. Volume ll of Living with Monuments, Excavations at Flixton was published in July.
In December we’ll be huddled round a guttering candle trying to keep warm.