
April meeting – Dr Derwin Gregory on Operation WALBEA

Operation WALBEA is all about What the Americans Left Behind in East Anglia during the years the United States Eighth Army Air Force was based in East Anglia during the Second World War.

As you can see from their website, this is an ongoing project and Derwin Gregory from UEA will be telling the story of the project so far and its plans for the future, some of which may involve quite a lot of work at Thorpe Abbotts.

We’ll be meeting at Broome Village Hall, Sun Road, Broome, NR35 2RW on Saturday Aproil 15th at 2.00pm.  Members £2.00, non-members £3.00. The usual refreshments will be available, this month’s biscuit selection is yet to be decided. Oreos maybe?

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