AGM 2016 & Dig the Spig Report & More.
Our 2016 Annual General Meeting will be on Saturday 17th September at 2.00pm at Needham Village Hall, High Road, Needham, IP20 9LB. All welcome.
As well as the AGM we’ll have a report on the results of our dig at the spigot mortar pit on the Harleston Recreation Ground over the August bank holiday. We’ll also have an update on our HLF funded Great War project, the Hidden Commemoration in the Waveney Valley. We’ve got several stories up on our website and many more still to write up, but if you’ve got any ideas or have any stories of your own, please let us know and get involved. We’ve still got money to spend!
At the AGM we want to have a discussion about how we keep the group going into the future, and that is going to involve changing the way we do things. When we set the group up three years ago we said it was going to be a committee free group; that was with the benefit of hindsight naive of us. We need all our members to be more involved to ensure that the group continues to thrive and to that end one of our members, Helen Bristol, has put forward a proposal to achieve this. Here it is.
“The group’s AGM is coming up in September 2016. Those who have been at recent meetings will be aware that it is Andrew’s intention to stand down as Treasurer. Since the group was formed he has undertaken the role not only of Treasurer, but also Membership Secretary; planning and arranging all our meetings, outings and field events; set up the website and along with Dave Wollweber, sent out the Newsletters, and managed and chaired most of our meetings. When he goes there’s going to be a BIG hole and without some of us stepping up to take on these roles the group will fold. I don’t want that to happen and I’m sure you don’t either.
What I’m suggesting is that we spread the work out a bit. For constitutional reasons we need:
Chairman – currently vacant (Gordon Lascelles is standing in temporarily)
Treasurer – will be vacant
Secretary – Dave Wollweber
I’m also suggesting that we have:
Membership Secretary
Website Person
Programme Organiser
and that these 6 people forming a committee should meet 3 or 4 times a year to plan our activities and deal with any things that need their attention.
We’re trying to get special interest groups going, such as Medieval Graffiti, Field Walking, Digs, the Hidden Commemoration Great War project. I’m suggesting just one person from these groups together to represent them all could also be on the committee to avoid it becoming too big. So, seven heads are better than one, seven people with different outlooks, different experience, and different contacts. I know we’re all busy but if the roles are spread out they aren’t so time-consuming or difficult.
If you agree with these ideas, are interested in finding out more about what the roles entail and/ or would like to put yourself forward then contact me or Andrew by email at or through the website or phone me on 01379 855096.
Here’s to our new 7 person committee.
Oh yes, and someone to take over the catering and setting up chairs etc. at meetings.
Helen Bristol”
This seems to be an eminently sensible way to proceed, so please give it some thought and come along to the AGM with your ideas and suggestions.
We’d also like to hear your suggestions for what you’d like to see in the programme for next year. So far we’re working on an activity day with the Caister Roman Project and a flint knapping day with Will Lord if we can ever get hold of him and there is a possible metal detecting day in the offing.. We’re also hoping to arrange a talk and a possible workshop with the CITIZAN project. We’re also talking to a number of guest speakers on a wide variety of topics, more as we firm the programme up. But we still need you to put forward your ideas, so this is your chance to have your say.
Annual General Meeting
Saturday 17th September 2016 at 2.00pm, Needham Village Hall
- Welcome
- Appointment of Chair for the Meeting
- Apologies for Absence
- Annual Report ( Secretary)
- Financial Statement (Treasurer)
- Election of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary
- Questions and Answers
- Any Other Business
We will take questions from the floor, but if you can please email any questions or points you would like raised to